Friday, October 1, 2010

Ahem. Pardon my dust

If you read my blog through a reader or follow my Twitter feed you might have seen the 849320483092 "test" posts I've run today.

My apologies!

As you can see, unless of course you are looking at this through a reader, my new design is up (which I totally didn't do because I zero design skills.  She did it)  Unfortunately in the process of uploading it, IntenseDebate, my commenting widget disappeared.  Through a series of uninstalls and reinstalls I FINALLY got it to work again but there was lots of swearing and gnashing of teeth in the process. Even my computer genius husband was confused.  It was quite the debacle. However, I think I got it right. I hope.  I pray. 

If you see any issues or something that doesn't look right, please please please let me know.  For those of you who are reading from the actual blog and not a reader, I know the green text is near impossible to read.  That should be fixed shortly.  Edit:  It's fixed!!  Also, if you are having trouble commenting and have a few seconds to email me I would really appreciate it!

Oooh!  And I finally have a button!  If you post it, please let me know so I can do a happy dance properly thank you!

So, do I look like a real blogger now?

Don't answer that. 

header 150x150

Oooh! I even used the WoW without even realizing it!  Go me!

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