Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Menu Monday-ish

I suck at schedules.  My retreat threw me off and I’m just now writing up Menu Monday.  I’m sure you are all on pins and needles waiting to see what this family is eating. Right? Right?!

Last week was mostly leftovers which was AWESOME! Not really the eating part.  Just the not cooking part. Brett was working late every day last night so it was a well-timed week of leftovers.  I hate cooking later in the evening. Then we eat later, clean later and ultimately get to bed later.  I love my sleep too much for that.

The Good
I really enjoyed the Avgolemono soup though Brett found the lemon to be too strong and Max responded by spitting it into my hand.  Thanks, buddy.  I also enjoyed the loaded eggplant rounds.  90% of the time I’m eating eggplant, it’s topped with marinara and cheese, in some variation on eggplant parmesan. This was a nice way to use eggplant without getting my parm on.

The Not So Good
I had such high hopes for the Apple Cider Chicken Bake.  It looked so yummy in the picture.  However, when I tried it, it had tons of extra liquid, the apples were too mushy and the entire thing was bland.  I don’t think it was chef’s error.  Many of the commenters on the website had the same experience.  After a taste test, I pulled out the liquid, added more cider and cooked it down to half the volume. I hoped that would create some stronger flavors.  It didn’t. I’m bummed. 

Also, thanks to everyone’s recommendations for PF Changs.  The overwhelming consensus on Facebook was to go for the Lettuce Wraps. They were quite good and made a decent meal, but I feel I could get similar quality Chinese food for half the price at the local joint down the street.  That being said, they had EXCELLENT Whiskey Sours.  My local Chinese restaurant can’t provide the same.

Monday: Checking out Dancing Wasabi, with friends.
Meatless Monday Delayed til Tuesday: RoastedSweet Potato wrap, Salt and Vinegar Potatoes
Wednesday: HungryGirl Chicken Gyros, Roasted Corn Kernels (recipe is actually part of a larger recipe)
Sunday:  Leftovers

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