Monday, December 6, 2010

Suck it IntenseDebate

Too many people can't comment on my blog because of IntenseDebate so I have uninstalled the program.  However, that means I just lost 6 months worth of comments, which is pretty much the most depressing thing ever.

So, here's a test.  If you can spare a second, please comment on this to let me know that I properly uninstalled Intense Debate and the boring old blogger comments are working properly.

And if they don't work and you have a spare 2 seconds, please email me at

Pardon me as I go sob into my Diet Coke. :-(
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tulpen said...

It works!!!

sorry about the lost comments. I'd be depressed too.

Come enter to win some free jewelry on my blog... jewelry will make you feel better!

WeeMasonMan's Mom said...

That really freaking sucks! I'm sorry!

At least boring blogger comments work?

Erin said...

Love, love, love your blog. Seriously. I have no idea why it took me so look at it. The title makes me giggle to no end. I was just talking to Husband the other day about all the things I said I'd never do but ended up doing. Like marrying someone I met on the Internet because only LOSERS do that. Yeah. Um. We see how well that turned out for me. The good news is that I have yet to live in a trailor park.

Jen said...

Aw, don't cry.

Deirdre said...

Sorry you lost your comments. Your blog is one of my favorites, you always make me laugh out loud at work when reading it.

Jenn said...

Yep, I'm able to boring Blogger comment too. That sucks about your comments though.

Katie said...

I can do this. Although for some reason the last few times I've been able to comment with the other one too.

Lynn said...

Technology sucks most of the time. I would be so pissed too!

Jessica said...

I can comment!

Gina said...

What's intense debate?

Jennie @ Modern Mamaz said...

Woot woot! FINALLY!

Jennie @ Modern Mamaz said...

Woot woot! FINALLY!

MelissaT said...

It worked for me.

Unpolished Parenting said...

That is one reason why I got rid of it, but I was super bummed it didn't let me export the comments back into blogger. Disqus was alright, but if you install it, it won't show your old comments either :( So back to regular commenting for me too...

Anonymous said...

I'm assuming that you know the comments work right now, but that does suck at losing everything =(

Heather @ Domestic Disaster said...

Gotcha, sister!

Emily said...

well I can comment, but I don't ever remember having a problem. Sorry about the technology headache :(

CrazyNutsMom said...

i lost a few months comments as well when I uninstalled them myself. But I call it a cleansing as I do'nt have their software on my site anymore.

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