How did this little lump of a human,
turn into this adorable, squeaking, smiling, grabbing at things little person, with massive personality, in just 16 short weeks?
When Max was first born I wanted him to hurry up and grow. I was depressed and overwhelmed. Now, I wish time would stop.
Oh, it's so tough realizing how fast it goes. But it's pretty damn amazing. Your little guy is adorable...
Oh just gets worse! I look at LJ everyday and wonder how in 15 months he went from a lump, to a holding his head up lump, to a roller, to a crawler, to a stander, to a walker, to a runner, and now into a climber. I swear, it is scary how fast they grow and change.
Best advice I got, take a million and one pictures, because once the moment is gone, it will never come back!
PS...Max has adorable little cheeks that I would really love to give kisses to!!!
Little lump of human! I love that! I'm going to use it, except I'll be referring to my 14 year old who is almost 6' and weighs close to 200 little lump of human! I'm still laughing, thank you for that terrific choice of words, you are a master!
I love the little squeaky, grabby person! Those eyes are so freaking adorable. :)
I totally know how you feel! I can't believe my little man is eight months old already. Time goes by so fast!
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